Poetic performance of the house of Doctor Gachet at the castle of Léry
Poetic performance by Claire Le Michel, Mallory Patte-Serrano, Marien Guillé. lives.à.vie, an enthusiastic project for living on an idea of Claire Le Michel.
This walk between the site of Dr.Gachet’s house and Léry Castle is a performance created in situ by the team according to the space and the natural environment. The walk accompanies the words and leads to the dance. Poems and dance lead us to hear the words of trees, insects, birds, the living with which we live. During the walk it is in poem that Mallory and Marien draw the attention of everyone. e on what there is to see, to listen to, to feel. The words of humans are invited, but they are not the first because the proposal is a reversal: to listen to what lives in a given space, an ecosystem and to become aware of all this life that exists outside of us and that is in interaction with us.