Pass your code to the Police Prefecture Museum!
Come (re)discover the history of the means of locomotion, the equipment of the street and the code of the road!
17 et 18 septembre 2022Passé
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01 44 41 52 50 museedelaprefecturedepolice@interieur.gouv.frS'inscrire / Réserver: Archives de la préfecture de Police
As part of the exhibition "Circulate! The Prefecture of Police au service de la mobilité" held at the Police Prefecture Museum from September 16, 2022 to March 4, 2023, we offer to the young public a fun activity around the code of the road. Through a quiz illustrated by photo and video archives, everyone will be able to (re)discover the history of car equipment (seat belt, horn, license plates...), bicycles, scooters and the evolution of traffic rules (right hand drive, signs, priorities...) from the end of the 19th century to the present day.