Conference on Superpowers of Bats

A very Nature conference to listen, watch, learn and know these superpowers animals that see with their ears and fly with their hands. Say, What does a bat eat? And how does it see in the dark? And why don’t we see in the winter? Discover the surprising world of these night virtuosos, some of whom live in troglodytic spaces formed in the chalky rocks of the banks of the Seine.
Hosted by Quentin ROUY, Chiropterologist
Member of the association Azimut 230 - Rendez-vous 2 rue de l'audience à la Roche-Guyon - audience room at 4.30pm.
The town halls of La Roche-Guyon, Moisson, Bonnières-sur-Seine and
Bennecourt joined forces in 2022 to celebrate the Seine, their
common living heritage: they offer meetings,
animations, conferences on the 4 sites to promote all access to biodiversity, history, culture, art and literature
specific to this territory and create a link in the valley.