Kheops Workshop
Go back in time and create your own hieroglyph! Each participant will engrave a sign on a dirt plate, then assemble it with their teammates to form a written wall fragment.
Samedi 17 septembre 2022, 11h30, 14h30, 15h30Passé
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S'inscrire / Réserver:© Zigor Agirrezabala Vitoria
The study of the hieroglyph is exciting!
It is a millennial writing composed essentially of ideograms and phonograms inspired by people, animals and plants. The hieroglyphic term comes from the Greek hieros which means "sacred" and glyphein which can be translated as "engraving". According to the Egyptians, it was the god Thot who brought the scripture to men.
The workshop proposes the collective realization of a written wall fragment. Each participant will engrave a sign on a small hard earth plate. This "stamp" will be printed on the wall.