Lycée Fabert
12 rue Saint-Vincent, 57000 Metz
The Fabert high school occupies partly the premises(places) of the old(former) abbey Benedictine Saint Vincent based(established) in the Xth century. The latter(This last) was rehabilitated in 1804 to shelter the high school. "Imperial" high school created under Napoleon Ier in 1803\. He(It) is installed(settled) in buildings(ships) of times(periods) and different architectures: abbey Saint Vincent (XVIIIth century), Boarding school(Internship) (1936), saint Constance (1854). Interests: cloitre, chapel, cabinet(office) of curiosity, boarding school(internship), brings to room temperature "museum", turret of "pastime". High school with more than 200 years of teachings.
Édifice scolaire et éducatif & Villes et Pays d'art et d'histoire
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