Tribunal judiciaire
5 Quai Pierre Marchal, 57100 Thionville
The hotel in Eltz.
A hotel was built by Bernard d'Eltz at the end of the Courtyard of the Castle in the first half of the sixteenth century. There are only a few remains of this first building inspired by the Luxembourg Renaissance. The hotel, purchased in 1899 by the Sisters of Divine Providence to house a boarding school for young girls, was in fact greatly redesigned at the beginning of the century. A large Neo-Gothic building was added in 1906 by Lothringer Baugesselschaft on the edge of Quai Marchal. A small house bordering the porch on the other side (No. 10, courtyard of the Castle) was purchased in 1914 and rebuilt by pastichant the original style.
On this occasion, it was raised by an attic level and equipped with a Renaissance skylight, possibly filled with a destroyed building. The old buildings were also taken over in 1919-1920 from a 1914 project, probably postponed by the war. In 1931, the sisters, still feeling cramped, planned to annex the Hôtel de Raville located just
Lieu de pouvoir, édifice judiciaire & Monument historique
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