Parc du Domaine de La Grange aux Champs
Château de La Grange aux Champs, 55800 Nettancourt
From its monastic origins, the park has preserved numerous ponds, a pond and a stream the Leurande. Before the Revolution and immediately after, the garden is regular «à la française». There is a large pine alley that goes directly to the entrance door of the time, a circular basin with a jet of water just in front of the main entrance and a rectangular canal on which the statue of Neptune was already watching.
At the end of the 19th century, the park was redesigned from its existing elements by Philippe and Arbeaumont landscapers and nurserymen at Vitry-le-François. The statue of Neptune is then perched on a rock-cave or nymphaea. The symmetry of the park is recomposed in the «English» style, this thanks to the road that borders the park which did not exist before and which forced to change the grid of access of place and thus to favor the recomposition of the park. Many rare trees were planted.
The two statues that adorn the park were executed in the 18th century by a barrisien sculp
Château, hôtel urbain, palais, manoir, Espace naturel, parc, jardin, Jardin remarquable & Monument historique
