“Good to Shoot”, guided tour and demonstrations
A guided tour with several demonstrations of printing presses.
Dimanche 18 septembre 2022, 14h00, 15h00, 16h00, 17h00Passé
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S'inscrire / Réserver: https://www.eventbrite.fr/e/billets-journees-europeennes-du-patrimoine-bon-a-tirer-379731897327©Espace Européen Gutenberg / affiche JEP2022
A guided tour with several demonstrations of printing presses.
Intergraphic and the Gutenberg European Area have teamed up to offer you the opportunity to discover the «Intergraphic» collection made up of old and new printing machines. A living memory of the printing industry, the collection features typographical presses, lithography and other arm presses, a linotype, and recent offset presses.
The guided tour will be accompanied by several demonstrations and will allow you to leave with a printed object designed by us.