Musée Compa, le musée de l'Agriculture
Pont de Mainvilliers, 28000 Chartres
- Eure-et-Loir
- Centre-Val de Loire
After 25 years of opening and after more than a million visitors having already crossed(exceeded) its doors, the Academy of agriculture(farming), 1st museum of agriculture(farming) of France, installed(settled) in a splendid rotunda with metallic architecture dating of 1905, had to reinvent, it is now done! It is a new museum which reopened to the public on May 21st, 2016 and presents 3 000 m ² of entirely re-drawn exhibitions(exposures), new spaces devoted to the young audience, original museographic devices(plans), many and new (ethnographic and artistic) never shown collector's items. Very new COMPA to have fun, to marvel and to understand by interacting. He(It) spreads(displays) around new spaces: • Fields: a big(great) nave of exhibition(exposure) where spreads(displays) the parade of tools and of agricultural machines which redraws big(great) agricultural operations as the seasons go by (plowings, sowings, harvests) and of a big(great) chronology of agriculture(farming) and of motorisation. • The Almanac: in 12 episodes, like a big(great) heterogeneous cabinet(office) of curiosity, the men(people) and objects (more than 250 collector's items, seldom or ever presented) are called to testify and to tell, each in their way, the long and beautiful history(story) of rural world with its traditions and its transfers(transformations). • The Album: within a big(great) immersif show, a movie of days and of farm works takes place while images and representations of the farmer are questioned. • The Atlas: a space to understand and to play with worldwide agriculture(farming) while she(it) is confronted with a formidable challenge today: feed 9 billion men(people) in 2050! Contemplate, touch, manipulate and many other discoveries! A wide place(square) is devoted to the audiovisual media, to multimedia and to manipulation today. Enriched by these devices(plans), visit gives new keys of understanding of collections and fits to all public, the youngest to the enthusiasts.
Musée, salle d'exposition & Musée de France