Église Saint-Étienne
Place de l'Eglise 28300 Bailleau-l'Evêque
- Eure-et-Loir
- Centre-Val de Loire
Compound(Made up) of a Romance nave with flat foothills placed symmetrically on each side (typical of the end of the XIth century or first half of the XIIth century), it was entirely altered in the XVIth century and in the end of the XXth century. The bays(berries) of the nave are the XVth century, style Flamboyant Gothic, of as well as the rosette. The span of the bell tower and the chorus(choir), vaulted by ogives, date the end of the XVth century or the beginning of the XVIth century. The bell tower possessed from the XVIth century a clock, rather rare and expensive for time(period). The pillars of central span are richly decorated with moldings and crowned with slender bands(strips) of foliage serving as capitals(big tops). Windows are trimmed with flamboyant remplages with various drawings. The Romanic portal(gate) was also altered in the XVIth century. The powerful central bell tower provided with foothills [possessed in the past three named(appointed) bells PEAK DAN JON. There will be one no more only after Revolution, two others having been melted to make artillery and ammunitions.]
