Eglise Notre-Dame
Place Notre-Dame, 35500, Vitré
The church Notre-Dame was based(established) by 1060 by Robert Ier de Vitré and given in 1116 to the abbey Saint-Melaine of Rennes. It was almost entirely rebuilt in the 15th and 16th centuries: the chorus(choir) remains(subsists) of the old(former) church only, fenestrations of which were changed in the 15th century. The south facade, built in two campaigns(countrysides) (on 1480-1500 and 1530-1540) presents seven pine nuts(cogs) separated by foothills in pinacles. She(It) s' adorns with a very beautiful pulpit to be preached. The west facade dates 1580s, its door kept(preserved) its leaves of origin, dated on 1586\. The collateral and the north crosspiece were rebuilt in 1467\. The arrow of the central tower (1420-1442) was rebuilt stone in 1858.
Édifice religieux & Monument historique
Façade sud-est de Notre-Dame, Ville de Vitré