Théâtre de Beaune
64 rue de Lorraine, 21200 Beaune
- Côte-d'Or
- Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
For one hundred and fifty years, the Théâtre Municipal has belonged to the physiognomy of the Rue de Lorraine and to the memory of the Beaunois. Its construction on the Saint-Nicolas bastion, replacing a previous entertainment hall, inscribed it in the thread of a history of theatre and more broadly of the show at Beaune, which dates back to the Middle Ages. The construction of the Municipal Theatre of Beaune results from the will of the public power. The majestic building, well in the taste of the Second Empire, reflects the prosperity of the city and the social order of the time. As a witness of its time, the Municipal Theatre has woven its own history, known a period of relative erasure to become once again the essential place of cultural programming open to the greatest number.
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