Spectral Summer by Bettina Samson

The artist took in the glazed architecture of the Departmental Archives building and the exploration of the archived collections.
Through her creations, Bettina Samson uses the notions of transparency and light where hybrid creatures and parallel realities appear, aberration and metamorphosis. Inspired by the Jean-Carriès collection, famous ceramicist (1855-1894) installed in Saint-Amand en Puisaye, the artist has indeed worked to develop her imagination from the syrupy, grotesque and even monstrous enamels, Ceramist influenced by Japanese and medieval traditions.
Based on a work on some archival photographs, Bettina Samson composes a fantastical world in which she makes dialogue images and sculptures. A fascinating journey that invites you to cross the mirror, like Alice.
This exhibition benefits from the financial support of the Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs of Burgundy-Franche-Comté and the Department of Nièvre.