Chapelle de Vauclair
Vauclair, 15500 Molompize
- Cantal
- Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
This site, long venerated for its curative properties concerning vision, has been the subject of pilgrimages, and the site is mentioned on the Via Arverna, Way of Saint James of Compostela that crosses the Auvergne. The Virgin of Vauclair imposes her surprising and intriguing gaze. The original is preserved in the church of Molompize, but a very good copy appears in the chapel of Vauclair. These places vibrate with beliefs and the renovation of the chapel contributes to create a special atmosphere, in this building with plural architectural influences. generated for its healing properties concerning vision, has been the subject of pilgrimages, and the site is mentioned on the Via Arverna, Way of Santiago de Compostela that crosses the Auvergne. The Virgin of Vauclair imposes her surprising and intriguing gaze. The original is preserved in the church of Molompize, but a very good copy appears in the chapel of Vauclair. These places vibrate with beliefs and the renovation of the chapel c