Exhibition «Lisières» by Vincent Chevillon
An attentive and attentive researcher, Vincent Chevillon follows in the footsteps of the animals and records his thoughts in line shots.
17 - 19 septembre 2021Passé
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exposition Lisières, Vincent Chevillon, 2021 © Stimultania
An attentive and attentive researcher, Vincent Chevillon follows in the footsteps of the animals and records his thoughts in line shots.
“It seems that our world can no longer contain our expansionist and progressive dreams. Disturbing disturbances are stirring our biosphere and committing us to new civic responsibilities, prompting us to rethink our anthropocentric history with that of other beings on a broader scale.
Our museums, our natural spaces today are a sinister reflection of the words of Descartes, that man will one day become «master and possessor of nature». This colonial heritage, both in relation to the territories and to what makes them up (or to those who made them up), forces us to reconsider our use of the world.”
Vincent Chevillon