Heritage walk in Biscarrosse
Heritage walk with Laëtitia Maison-Soulard, researcher at the Heritage and Inventory Service of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, around the old dwellings of the Centre d'Essais des Landes (CEL).
Dimanche 19 septembre 2021, 10h00Passé
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©Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Inventaire général du patrimoine culturel - Adrienne Barroche, 2019
Heritage walk with Laëtitia Maison-Soulard, researcher at the Heritage and Inventory Service of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, around the old dwellings of the Centre d'Essais des Landes (CEL).
Laëtitia Maison-Soulard, Heritage Curator in the Heritage and Inventory Department of the Nouvelle Aquitaine Region, is the author of the book The Aerospace Industry in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, a Century of History and Heritage.
This heritage walk will also be an opportunity for each participant to share their stories about this area and thus contribute to enriching and extending its history.