Discovering a 12th century church saved from ruin

Come, tool in hand, close to the site of restoration of the church to meet the actors and know the history.
The church, built in the time of the Templars and classified as historical monuments, has travelled the centuries accompanying the life of the village. Witness to its history, this old lady today needs big restorations because the wear and tear of time (collapse of the vault, cracks in the structure, broken windows...) no longer allows her to welcome visitors worthily. The inhabitants of La Chapelle-Lasson mobilized to restore the church to its former splendor.
Take advantage of these two afternoons to get to know you on the spot about the performance: they will welcome you with an exhibition, the projection of a film «Au plus près du chantier», and will accompany you within the building.
Film starts at: 2 pm, 3 pm, 4 pm, and 5 pm.