Ancienne chartreuse
Carmel du Reposoir, 74950 Le Reposoir
- Haute-Savoie
- Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
La Chartreuse was founded in the 12th century, Carmel since 1932\. On January 22, 1151, foundation of the Chartreuse du Reposoir by Aymon de Faucigny and his two brothers, Arducius, bishop of Geneva, and Rodolphe Allamand. This is the second attempt to establish a chartreuse in the valley. A few years earlier, a first monastery in the heart of the valley had been abandoned following a natural disaster (avalanche or flood). On the site of this first foundation will be built the correrie du Reposoir. The chartreuse itself is located a little higher. The first prior, Jean d'Espagne, found the site so attractive that he decided to make it his "resting place" (in medieval Latin, repositorium means the "rest of the soul"). The name remained in the chartreuse and then was passed on to the valley and the commune. Between 1357 and 1375, first restoration of the buildings, led by the prior Jacques Ogier. Then between 1480 and 1530, construction of the small cloister (classified in 1910) and the
Édifice religieux & Monument historique
© Anne-France Binder