19 et 20 septembre 2020Passé
Septembre 2020
Samedi 19
13:00 - 18:00
Dimanche 20
11:00 - 18:00

Archives départementales de la Haute-Garonne

11-14 boulevard Griffoul-Dorval, 31400 Toulouse
  • Haute-Garonne
  • Occitanie

Exhibition "Princesses and Princes in sneakers"

This exhibition traces the work of making historical costumes made by 23 students of the Lycée professionnel Gabriel Péri in Toulouse.
19 et 20 septembre 2020Passé
© Lycée Gabriel Péri de Toulouse

The project "Princesses and Princes in sneakers: ball at the castle of Laréole"

On Sunday, July 19, 2020, the castle of Laréole (Cadours, Haute-Garonne) was to be the theater of a big ball costumed eighteenth century, for children. Games and animations were to punctuate this day under the sign of the party with, as a bonus, the presence of the Toulouse Chamber Orchestra to animate the ball. This event was cancelled, of course, due to the Covid-19 outbreak.
For this project, the Archives départementales de la Haute-Garonne called on the talents of 23 students of First and Final Vocational section Professions of the Lycée Gabriel Péri de Toulouse. We entrusted them with the task of making the costumes of 15 children invited to the ball.
For several months, these children have been preparing for this event by participating in various educational activities with the Archives. Despite the cancellation of the ball, we decided to go through with this project with them.

The exhibition

During the Heritage Days, you will discover an exhibition presenting the result of the work, investment and efforts of our young high school designers; you will also discover the moment of sharing lived with the children, remarkable of patience in recent months, when fitting their costumes.

Health Instructions

  • Masks must be worn for adults and children over the age of 11.
  • Regular hand washing with hydro-alcoholic gel.
  • Respect the distance of 1m50 between each person.
  • Compliance with signage and marking on the floor.
    Due to the health context, the number of people in the Archives building should be limited. Access to the various activities will be subject to compliance with safety regulations.
    Thank you for your understanding.
Types d'événement
Thème 2020
Patrimoine et éducation
Conditions de participation

À propos du lieu

Archives départementales de la Haute-Garonne
11-14 boulevard Griffoul-Dorval, 31400 Toulouse
  • Haute-Garonne
  • Occitanie
The Departmental Archives have the obligatory tasks of collection, classification, preservation and public access to administrative documents (bodies and public services) and notarial acts. They also receive private funding (families, companies, professionals). The Departmental Archives thus provide broad access to the rights, memory, history and heritage of the Haute-Garonne.
Taken(Brought) out Pont-des-demoiselles Parking. Drunk 10 (stop(ruling) Three Ovens), 27 (stop(ruling) Departmental archives). VélôToulouse: station(resort) 98, 80 paths of the Young ladies.
©Académie de Toulouse