Two Guillaume Bottazzi's works on Villeurbanne's skyscrapers
2 works of 4 meters by 1.50 meters realisez by the artist Guillaume Bottazzi on Villeurbanne historical heritage, the fist skyscappers in France.
20 - 22 septembre 2019Passé
© Guillaume Bottazzi - ADAGP Paris
The artist Guillaume Bottazzi produced highly successful site-specific artworks. To date, he has signed off over 50 works for public spaces, included a 900 square meters painting for the Miyanomori International Museum of Art in Japan.
On a listed skyscraper in the Villeurbanne heritage, Guillaume Bottazzi creates in 2009 two artworks of 4 meter high x 1.5 meter wide.
This project has received congratulations from the architects in charge of patrimony, for its integration into the architecture.
Guillaume Bottazzi official website :
20th Century Heritage, Contemporary art, Guillaume Bottazzi, Bottazzi, Art in public space, art in situ & Contemporary artist