Samedi 21 septembre 2019, 09h30Passé
Outils d'inscription
Septembre 2019
Samedi 21
09:30 - 19:00
De 8 à 99 ans

Castellas de Bouquet

Castellas de Bouquet, 30580 Bouquet
  • Gard
  • Occitanie

Stream of Makes it Rear of Gold

Come accompany golden goat(tackle) in its journey between the castles of Bouquet and of Light and discover the wealth of local heritage.
Samedi 21 septembre 2019, 09h30Passé
Outils d'inscription
© Castrum d'Allègre

To mark the narrow links which bind(connect) both fortresses historically, the Associations of the Castles of Light and Bouquet organise a stream in suits(costumes) of the XIVth century.
In this year grudgingly 1355, at the height of Hundred Years' War, danger is huge, a strong troop of Anglois makes full road on the castellas of Bouquet and it is armed with this new weapon which is the powder. The old man castellas is not in a fit state to resist this such a diabolic strength. The Lord in load(responsibility) of Bouquet and of makes it rear of gold, the treasure of the Celtic of the South, a statue in solid gold of their goat(tackle) blest, holding(dress) jealously hidden for more than one thousand four hundred years in the castellas, decides to go to put it shielded from the walls of the castrum of Light, defended(forbidden) by more than 10 strong towers and a powerful garrison provided well in capable ammunition of every sort and kind to push away(repel) an attack.
9 h 30: Visit of the castellas
10 h 30: Departure of stream
11 h: Farmhouse in Provence Talain (typical at the heart of the garrigue)
11 h 30: Old(Former) church and cemetery of Bouquet
12 h 30: House of high Middle Ages Suzon
13 h 00: Visit of the oppidum Saint-Peyre (meal pulled(fired) by the bag)
14 h 30: Departure of the oppidum
16 h 00: Arrived at the castle of Light (visit of Castrum)
A refreshment bar will be installed(settled) in the castle to quench thirst of walkers and of visitors.
Sale of fougasses(seasoned flat breads) cooked in the oven of the castle in the afternoon.
The visitors can reach the castellas of Bouquet by car for the departure of stream or expect for its arrival to the castrum from Light.
Organised by the volunteers of the castles of Light and of Bouquet.
The visitors good walkers and equipped with good shoes are invited to accompany the stream (11 km). The transport between both castles is supported by participants.

Types d'événement
Aucune sélection
Thème 2019
Aucune sélection
Conditions de participation
Aucune sélection
Diffusion sur le pass culture
Aucune sélection
Numéro SIRET de mon établissement (ou à défaut, numéro de SIREN)
Aucune saisie
Prix de l'événement tel qu'affiché sur le pass Culture
Aucune saisie
URL pass culture
Aucune saisie

À propos du lieu

Castellas de Bouquet
Castellas de Bouquet, 30580 Bouquet
  • Gard
  • Occitanie
Château, hôtel urbain, palais, manoir
By car, by DFCI