Visit free of the abbey of Jumièges
Visit free of the abbey of Jumièges
21 et 22 septembre 2019Passé

© Alan Aubry - Département de la Seine-Maritime
The abbey of Jumièges, property of the Department, redraws thousand years of history(story) of Normandy, Carolingian kings in clans Vikings in search of booty, via William the Conqueror and his duchy of Normandy or else Agnès Sorel, favorite of the king of France died during Hundred Years' War.
The abbey home, built in the 17th century, shelters the funeral paving stone of Agnès Sorel, beside the gisants of the famous «irritated by Jumièges» and of medieval works feeding narratives and legends attached to the place. The abbey home receives from now on exhibitions(exposures) centered on visual arts.