Concert: Umi: The Sea in the Villa Louis
Concert of Koto (Japanese harp on the theme of the sea " Umi " in the Villa Louis, building registers art for its ceramics - new of Alexandre religious zealot
Dimanche 22 septembre 2019, 11h30, 14h00, 15h30Passé
Outils d'inscription
06 70 68 78 08
© Akiko IDA
The Villa Louis was formerly the "casino" of Lion-sur-Mer, it accueile today
, Japanese maitre musician of Koto and of Shamizen for a recital devoted to the Sea " Umi«The Villa Louis monument built between 1864 and 1903 by the architect Jean-Alexandre Navarre and the ceramicist Alexandre religious zealot is registered on the additional historic inventory of the monument for its ceramics art nouveau inspired by the marine flora and fauna.
Premature diplomée musician in 17 years of the University of Beaxu-Arts and of Music of Tokyo, Fumie Hihara appatient at a school of Koto seldom heard(understood) in Europe.
Concerts will take place a Saturday and Sunday at 11 h 30, 14 h and 15 h 30 lasted 15 mn.
10th single price.
Contact: Association the friends de la Villa Louis in 06 70 68 78 08