Vendredi 20 septembre 2019, 18h00Passé
Septembre 2019
Vendredi 20
18:00 - 19:00
Accessible aux handicapés moteurs

Médiathèque l'Apostrophe

1 boulevard Maurice-Viollette, 28000 Chartres
  • Eure-et-Loir
  • Centre-Val de Loire

"Monuments and men(people) - The cathedral of Chartres"

Movie of Bruno Victor-Pujebet, Delphine Cohen, 26 min, on 2018 - projection in the presence of the producer Christine Le Goff.
Vendredi 20 septembre 2019, 18h00Passé
© Zed production

In the discovery of Notre-Dame of Chartres, the most complete Gothic monument and best preserved from France. Episode of the series devoted to some of the most beautiful sacred monuments of world.
Saved(Spared) by wars and revolutions, the cathedral of Chartres is the Gothic monument the most complete and best preserved from France.
Built in thirty years barely from the end of the XIIth century, she(it) distinguishes itself by her(its) stylistic homogeneity. Since 2008, a large programme of renovation was begun(undertaken) to restore their brightness in its famous stained-glass windows as well as in its exceptional "tour(ballot) of chorus(choir)".

Types d'événement
Aucune sélection
Thème 2019
Aucune sélection
Conditions de participation
Aucune sélection

À propos du lieu

Médiathèque l'Apostrophe
1 boulevard Maurice-Viollette, 28000 Chartres
  • Eure-et-Loir
  • Centre-Val de Loire
The Hotel of Posts(Post offices) transformed into media library is high of about 55m on 33m of length. The armed concrete(watertight) building(ship), in the steel structure is compound(made up) of a belfry with clock with cantilevers and an imposing rotunda dominating the place(square) of the Scattered. This eclectic building draws inspiration from medieval constructions put back(handed) to honour by Viollet-le-Duc and mixes(involves) neogothic elements and Art deco. The reference to the cathedral is undeniable: numerous details call back(remind) the Gothic style such as it is possible to see it in the north bell tower of the cathedral.
At the level of the decoration of facade, a succession of mosaics evokes the history(story) of a letter transported by land, of iron, from sea and of air and puts away by a factor(mailman) to a beauceronne farmer. Since the flight of steps and under the mosaic representing peace, the general de Gaulle addressed the population in August, 1944 at the liberation of Chartres. The Hotel of posts(post offices) is registered in conformance with(for) historic monuments since August 19th, 1994; his(her,its) railings(bars) in which are inserted the initials FRENCH POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE (Post offices Telegraphs and Telephones) are listed(classified) as well as facades and roofing. The building is labelled " remarkable contemporary Architecture ".
Archives, Musée, salle d'exposition & Monument historique
Ville de Chartres