15 et 16 septembre 2018Passé
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Septembre 2018
Samedi 15
14:00 - 19:00
Dimanche 16
14:00 - 19:00
Accessible aux handicapés auditifs
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Accessible aux handicapés moteurs

Eglise Saint-Quentin

Place de la République, 54425 Pulnoy
  • Meurthe-et-Moselle
  • Grand Est

Discovery of the Way of the Cross(Long, hard way) of the church Saint-Quentin of Pulnoy.

In 2018, 8 stations(resorts) of the Way of the Cross(Long, hard way) of the church Saint-Quentin, work of the potter Krumeich, supplement 6 stations(resorts) installed(settled) in 1994, thanks to the
15 et 16 septembre 2018Passé
Outils d'inscription
Paroisse Ozanam

In 1994, further to the enlargement of the church Saint-Quentin of the Parish Ozanam de Pulnoy, only 6 Stations(Resorts) of the Way of the Cross(Long, hard way) are bought for lack of ways(means). This Way of the Cross(Long, hard way) is initially the work of the potter of "Sandstone of Alsace" Krumeich-père for the parish church of Betschdorf (67). His son Christian Krumeich reuses moulds(mussels) for the Stations(Resorts) of the church of Pulnoy. Almost 20 years later, the Way of the Cross(Long, hard way) is finally complete: in 2018, the moulds(mussels) of 8 missing stations(resorts) still exist. It is thanks to the competition(help) of the potter Remmy of Betschdorf that this set(group) can be presented to the public for European Heritage Days.

Types d'événement
Visite libre
Édition 2018
Aucune sélection
Conditions de participation
Aucune sélection

À propos du lieu

Eglise Saint-Quentin
Place de la République, 54425 Pulnoy
  • Meurthe-et-Moselle
  • Grand Est
The church Saint-Quentin of Pulnoy is quoted in the Insulting of Trier(Truces) of 1402\. Previously the village is mentioned in the acts of 1027 of the emperor Conrad and 1346 when the village is given up(sold) in collegiate Saint-Georges of Nancy. The church shows constructions of three or four very distant times(periods) one of other one. The apse, in square plan, is covered by an ogival vault of the XIIIth century, with narrow windows in round arch. In 1853, during the project of enlargement of the church, is indicated a kind of fountain at the foot of the bedhead, hollow about a metre, which would prove the age(seniority) of this place of worship. The project of enlargement of the parish church will succeed finally in 1993 by the extension of the nave and the installation of a skeleton lamellé - stuck in the nave by keeping(preserving) the old(former) skeleton in the chorus(choir), what gives a surprising character to the set(group).
Édifice religieux
Paroisse Ozanam