3 et 4 juin 2023Passé
Juin 2023
Samedi 3
10:30 - 18:00
Dimanche 4
10:30 - 18:00

Parc du château de Trémilly

4, rue du Château, 52110 Trémilly, Haute-Marne, Grand Est
  • Haute-Marne
  • Grand Est

Visit of the park of the castle of Trémilly

Free walk in the park
3 et 4 juin 2023Passé
©Nicole Dacier

The current castle was built at the beginning of the 18th century, on the plans of Jean-Baptiste Bouchardon. The park was designed in the late eighteenth or early nineteenth century, and includes an English garden and a wood crossed by riding alleys. A double flight of stairs leads to a Viollet-Le-Duc orangery.

À propos du lieu

Parc du château de Trémilly
4, rue du Château, 52110 Trémilly, Haute-Marne, Grand Est
  • Haute-Marne
  • Grand Est
The facade raised(brought up) to the XVIIIth century s. is turned(shot) to an undulating environmental park, a pittoresquement decorated with kiosks Renaissance resulting(coming) from the old(former) castle, destroyed during the wars of religion.
English garden & Private garden
Car park outside the surrounding wall(speaker) of the castle. Appear upon your arrival at the entrance(admission)
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