18 et 19 septembre 2021Passé
Septembre 2021
Samedi 18
10:00 - 17:00
Dimanche 19
10:00 - 17:00

Église Saint-Laurent de Champaubert

Bourg, 51290 Giffaumont-Champaubert
  • Haute-Marne
  • Grand Est

Discovery of the CanB artist’s exhibition at the church

The artist CanB will present her works as part of her artistic residency at the church of Champaubert.
18 et 19 septembre 2021Passé
©EPTB Seine Grands Lacs

À propos du lieu

Église Saint-Laurent de Champaubert
Bourg, 51290 Giffaumont-Champaubert
  • Haute-Marne
  • Grand Est
On January 1, 1971, the commune of Champaubert-aux-Bois was attached to that of Giffaumont which became Giffaumont-Champaubert. To realize the reservoir lake of Der-Chantecoq (inaugurated in 1974), the former village of Champaubert-aux-Bois was swallowed up. Only the church on the top of the hill on the current peninsula of Champaubert, on the eastern part of the lake remains.
Édifice religieux
©Seine Grands Lacs

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