18 et 19 septembre 2021Passé
Septembre 2021
Samedi 18
14:00 - 18:00
Dimanche 19
14:00 - 18:00
De 7 à 99 ans

Ancienne citadelle militaire

8 Av. du 21E Régiment d'Infanterie, 52200 Langres
  • Haute-Marne
  • Grand Est

«Chronicles of the Republic»

Following the 150th anniversary of the Third Republic, the Service Patrimoine Pays d'art et d'histoire proposes «Chroniques de la République» at the Eastern Citadel (formerly BSMat).
18 et 19 septembre 2021Passé
© Conception : Les Chipies d'Eugénie

Following the 150th anniversary of the Third Republic, the Service Patrimoine Pays d'art et d'histoire proposes «Chroniques de la République» at the East Citadel (formerly BSMat).

The Third Republic was proclaimed by Leon Gambetta on September 4, 1870, while the Franco-Prussian war raged and Napoleon III was captured at Sedan. Chroniques de la République proposes to evoke the perception of these events since Langres, in a family exhibition accessible to children: «Langres et son pays en République: 1870-1880». From defeat to the Commune and life in Langres at the end of the 19th century, history is told through the eyes of Edmond Royer, a 13-year-old child whose mother is a teacher and father soldier.
Three other free activities are available on site: the exhibition «La dernière citadelle» evoking the history of that of Langres, a track game «Sur les traces d'Abel Petitjean» for children and adults, the sound course “1875, la guerre qui n’a pas eu lieu mais que Langres a gagné” in the exceptional spaces of one of the bastions of the citadel.
Heritage Service Country of art and history
Maison du Pays de Langres
Square Olivier-Lahalle
03 25 86 86 20 or patrimoine@langres.fr

À propos du lieu

Ancienne citadelle militaire
8 Av. du 21E Régiment d'Infanterie, 52200 Langres
  • Haute-Marne
  • Grand Est
This citadel done up in the middle of the XIXth century s. blocks the approach to the town to the South of the rocky spur. This autonomous military city could welcome 3 000 soldiers. In 2015, the city of Langres became possessing of all of the site.
Édifice militaire, enceinte urbaine & Villes et Pays d'art et d'histoire
On-the-spot parking lot
©S. Riandet, ville de Langres

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