3 et 4 juin 2023Passé
Juin 2023
Samedi 3
13:30 - 17:30
Dimanche 4
13:30 - 17:30
De 10 à 99 ans

Discover a collection of ornithology!

Go to the gardens 2023
3 et 4 juin 2023Passé
©Claude Philippot

Come discover the collection of Jean-François Lescuyer, passionate about ornithology, with the audioguide realized in partnership with the LPO and test your knowledge about birds with the Cuicuizz!

À propos du lieu

Musée de Saint-Dizier
17 rue de la Victoire, Saint-Dizier, Haute-Marne, Grand Est, France
  • Haute-Marne
  • Grand Est
Housed in a former 19th century mansion, the Museum revisits the history of the Upper Mareese region, from prehistory to the 20th century! Archaeology, ornithology and the work of cast iron are accompanied by regional paintings and form with the works of Hector Guimard, the main axis of the permanent collections.
Monument historique, Parc paysager (à l'anglaise) & Musée de France
Musée de Saint-Dizier

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