Religious life in the diocese of Langres, of Renaissance in the Baroque (1550-1650).
The first part of exhibition(exposure) is devoted in " happiness and misfortune» of time(weather), by resuming(by taking back) notable events by report(relationship) between others in Reform or in conflicts with the nearby regions, Langres being frontier city. This part(party) aims to be also pedagogic with a timeline grouping(including) the bishops of time(period), kings of France, locoregional events …
The second part tackles(approaches) theme «art and devotion» facing fears of time(period) and research(search) for safety(salute): fear of death, fear of the devil, of hell The place(square) of the Church is important for it and shows itself in the particular(special) sculptor of time(weather) (Piéta, Christ in links, crosses of paths(ways) or of cemeteries, put in graves, oculus).