7 - 9 juin 2019Passé
Juin 2019
Vendredi 7
14:00 - 18:00
Samedi 8
14:00 - 18:00
Dimanche 9
14:00 - 18:00

Château et parc de Vendeuvre

9 rue du château, 14170 Vendeuvre
  • Calvados
  • Normandie

Visit free of the park of the castle of Vendeuvre

Visit free of the park of the castle of Vendeuvre, French-style garden
7 - 9 juin 2019Passé
© Château de Vendeuvre

During these days, benefit from a preferential price list(rate) walk you in the park of the castle, visit the open rooms(chambers) of greenery, discover the exotic garden and meet the owner. A big(great) stroll waits for you in the gardens of water "surprised", factories, and detached houses(flags) of whim: waterfall(stunt) of the tortoises, Chinese bridge(deck) to the birds who spit some water, crystal tree, temple of Serenity.
In the museum, the collection of miniature furniture, the everyday life in the 18th century, cookings(kitchens), niches.
Exhibition(Exposure) 2019 "At Table in the 18th century".

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À propos du lieu

Château et parc de Vendeuvre
9 rue du château, 14170 Vendeuvre
  • Calvados
  • Normandie
Three wonderful gardens follow one another in Vendeuvre in a huge park.
English garden, Botanical garden or arboretum, Private garden & Jardin remarquable
©Château de Vendeuvre