19 et 20 septembre 2020Passé
Outils d'inscription
 06 77 03 50 44
Septembre 2020
Samedi 19
10:00 - 12:00
Dimanche 20
10:00 - 12:00

Ancien site SMN - Mémoire et Patrimoine

Rue de l'hôtellerie, 14120 Mondeville
  • Calvados
  • Normandie

Guided tour of the industrial city of Plateau

From kindergarten to the factory of the Société Métallurgique de Normandie to primary, domestic and learning schools, discover with former students an unknown heritage!
19 et 20 septembre 2020Passé
Outils d'inscription
 06 77 03 50 44
© Archives du Calvados / Association Mémoire et Patrimoine SMN

The heritage inherited from the Metallurgical Society in connection with education remains particularly visible today. In 2 hours of walking, set off in the footsteps of a SMN life from kindergarten to the factory via primary, home and learning schools. This visit is a real moment of transmission since it is carried out by former students! It also evokes topics such as the evolution of mentalities around the place of women in the industrial city, forms of education such as summer camps or theoretical physical education as essential to the training of future factory employees.

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À propos du lieu

Ancien site SMN - Mémoire et Patrimoine
Rue de l'hôtellerie, 14120 Mondeville
  • Calvados
  • Normandie
Édifice industriel, scientifique et technique