Exhibition of the artist Marc Laot

Itinerary "In Search of Artists" on the territory of Pré-Bocage Intercom. The Church of Saint-Ouen of the 16th and 17th centuries, in Le-Mesnil-Au-Grain, welcomes
In concert Bérénice BREJON DE LAVIGNEE and Benjamin DELALE
"Yutz is the city of Lorraine where I spent my childhood, my artist name being a way to keep my roots, my soil, a conspiracy of distance and forgetfulness.
The themes I address are pretexts to question the «how to live, love, die?» , where I constantly re-examine my own history by seeking echoes in other works, philosophical, literary or musical.
The main subject of my work will always be watermarked by what I called «The Night of Childhood», a common thread, a recurring bone structure that crosses my successive themes.
Childhood can also be understood as that of human animality, from its adulthood until its inevitable decline, its third age of Earth exsanguinated and breathless by its tenants, suicidal- inconsequential, fighting and bulimic."