5 et 6 juin 2021Passé
Juin 2021
Samedi 5
14:00 - 15:00
15:30 - 16:30
17:00 - 18:00
Dimanche 6
14:00 - 15:00
15:30 - 16:30
17:00 - 18:00
De 6 à 99 ans

Musée de Vieux-la-Romaine

13 chemin Haussé, 14930 Vieux
  • Calvados
  • Normandie

Atelier Fresque

Learn the technique of the ancient fresco accompanied by a fresco.
5 et 6 juin 2021Passé
@ Département du Calvados / Vieux-la-Romaine, musée et sites archéologiques

Discover the technique of the ancient fresco and make your own painting on fresh plaster with vegetal pattern inspired by Roman models. Each participant realizes its 20 x 20 cm format

Animation en famille

À propos du lieu

Musée de Vieux-la-Romaine
13 chemin Haussé, 14930 Vieux
  • Calvados
  • Normandie
Vieux-la-Romaine, it is the history(story) of the city of Aregenua, a capital that administered one of the territories of current Normandy long before the birth of this one. The first tracks of setting-up(presence) of the city go back up(raise) at the beginning of Ier century ap. J.-C. His(Her,Its) urban development would have been made in years 120-140 ap. J.-C. and becomes famous for a large programme of monumental constructions. The city peaks between the environment(middle) of the IIth century ap. J.-C. and the first half of the IIIth century ap. J.-C. Then, the city(estate) declines and makes a commitment in a process of ruralisation. Today, the visitors can discover this ancient city(estate) by visiting the museum and the vestiges of two Roman houses.
Vegetable garden, orchard, Tourisme et handicap & Musée de France