Animation for school children: Discovering the plants of the Middle Ages
Discover this exceptional garden that will sensitize your students to the botanical heritage of the Pays d'Auge!
Vendredi 18 septembre 2020, 15h00Passé
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S'inscrire / Réserver:© Jardin Conservatoire des Fleurs et Légumes du Pays d'Auge
The Conservatory Garden aims to introduce children/students to more than 450 species and varieties of flowers and vegetables traditionally grown in Pays d'Auge.
For primary, middle school and high school students, the Jardin Conservatoire offers a workshop-discovery on the plants of the Middle Ages. An educational support will accompany the students throughout the visit. It is here to visit a piece of the natural and landscape heritage of Calvados, but also to become aware of the environment, sustainable development and the preservation of plant species and varieties