Samedi 21 septembre, 09h00, 10h00, 11h00Passé
Septembre 2024
Samedi 21
09:00 - 10:00
10:00 - 11:00
11:00 - 12:00

Lycée la Morlette

62 rue Camille Pelletan, 33150 Cenon
  • Gironde
  • Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Guided tour of the Lycée de la Morlette

The Morlette vocational school in Cenon opens its doors for the first time on the occasion of the European Heritage Days.
Samedi 21 septembre, 09h00, 10h00, 11h00Passé
©Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Inventaire général du patrimoine culturel, Bertrand Charneau

The Morlette vocational school in Cenon opens its doors for the first time on the occasion of the European Heritage Days.
The visits will be punctuated by artistic interventions, since the students had the privilege of being led by Soraya Benac and Mathieu Ehrhard of the company Tempotiempo on a tap and theater show.
**Three guided tours lasting 1 hour are offered at: 9 am, 10 am and 11 am on Saturday, September 21.**Educational project within the framework of the device: «Histoires de bahuts» proposed by the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, in partnership with the academic region Nouvelle-Aquitaine and in collaboration with the association Pétronille and the municipal archives of Cenon.
To learn more about the history and architecture of Lycée la Morlette: Consult the inventory file.

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Catégories Agenda Métropolitain
Visite - Balade
Catégories Médiathèque
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À propos du lieu

Lycée la Morlette
62 rue Camille Pelletan, 33150 Cenon
  • Gironde
  • Nouvelle-Aquitaine
The Morlette vocational school in Cenon opens its doors for the first time on the occasion of the European Heritage Days 2024.
When it was founded in 1948, the school was established as a beautiful pleasure house. In the middle of the park, the mansion, called the castle, houses the first classrooms. The establishment, run until 1976 by Micheline Hibrant, was so successful that it was necessary to build a new tripod-shaped building in the early 1970s.
Today, La Morlette welcomes about 600 students for training in the professions of personal services, aesthetics, hairdressing and administrative management.
The exceptional park by its dimensions and its wooded heritage was recently the subject of a participatory vegetation project.
Édifice scolaire et éducatif & Première participation
©Archives municipales, Cenon. Fonds Hibrant 2 Fi 2.2

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