Vendredi 30 novembre 2018, 09h30Passé
Novembre 2018
Vendredi 30
09:30 - 18:00
Accessible aux handicapés visuels
Accessible aux handicapés moteurs
De 18 à 99 ans

Istituto Italiano di Cultura Hôtel de Gallifet

50, rue de Varenne, 75007 Paris
  • Paris
  • Île-de-France


Vendredi 30 novembre 2018, 09h30Passé
Mario Praz, Camera di Lucia, Palazzo Primoli après 1969. Licence libre

MARIO PRAZ (1896-1982) is an Italian anglophile who created in Rome the study of English linguistics, having studied links between Italy and England in literature. His(Her,Its) collection of works of art of Style Empire around napoleonic legend. of All-European dimension(size), MUSEO MARIO PRAZ in Rome is from now on a museum. The collection, as the papers of PRAZ, explores the European humanist collective memory stemming from Greco-Roman classic tradition, who(which) assumed(accepted) a dark face in the 19th century in arts and literature.
After the tribute returned by the Centre Pompidou in 1989, Mario Praz. Exercise books for a while, an exhibition(exposure) in Blbliothèque Marmottan in 2002 watercolors of the 19th century: Stages(Scenes) of inside, Watercolors of the collection Mario Praz and Chigi informed the French public of this collection which makes reference illustrated in the book of MARIO PRAZ A_MEUBLEMENT, psychology and evolution of the interior design, 1964. The present colloquium with international participants(speakers) concerns the influence of decadent literature and of black Romanticism and of Dandyism in Europe on MARIO PRAZ in his life and in his work, as its books The Leathery meat certify it, the Dead woman e it Diavolo,_ 1930, translates in 1977 The flesh, the death and the devil in the literature of the 19th century. The black Romanticism and Accommodated Her della Vita, on 1958, translates in 1993 The House of life, which describes the collection of the museum. He(It) is aimed at paying tribute to MARIO PRAZ, his(its) work and his(its) influence, who(which) had an impact determining on the European taste of the 20th century so much in the field of the philosophy of art that in that of collections and of the interior design, and to sensitise the public again with the aim of the realisation of a documentary film on his life and his work.
He will take place in the morning of November 30th, 2018 in l' Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Hotel of Gallifet, 50, rue de Varenne, 75007 Paris
In the afternoon the second part will take place at home of Italy, University International City(Estate) of Paris, 7 In, boulevard Jourdan, 75014 Paris
Organizer: MONICA RICCARDI-CUBITT, Historian of art http://www.monique-riccardi-cubitt.com
• on 1999 Mario Praz, anglophile and aesthete (1896-1982), The British Art Newspaper, Vol.1 1, N.1. http://www.britishartjournal.co.uk
In collaboration with FRANÇOIS VERGNE-CLARY, English-speaking World(Monde), New Sorbonne and DR JEREMY STUBBS, The University of London Institute in Paris
9h45-13h Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Hotel of Gallifet, 50, street of Varenne, 75007 Paris
INTRODUCTION Round table ** MARIO PRAZ ** "his(her) friends, his(her) museum, past and present Presenter: ** MONICA RICCARDI-CUBITT **
PROF. MARK FUMAROLI, Collège de France, author, member(limb) of the Académie française
DOTT.SSA MARIA GIUSEPPINA DI RISES, director(manager) of Museo Mario Praz to Rome
DOTT.SSA PATRIZIA ROSAZZA, old(former) director(manager) of Museo Mario Praz, Rome

  • On 2008 Museo Mario Praz. Inventario topografico delle opere esposte
    2. Dandyism. Life as work of art
    PROF. DANIEL SALVATORE SCHIFFER, philosopher and essayist, professor to the Royal Academy(Regional education authority) of the Fine Arts of Liège, author of numerous tries(essays) on Dandyism
  • On 2010 Dandyism, last brightness of heroism
  • On 2011 Dandyism: The creation of one
  • Metaphysical 2013 of dandyism
    3. Mario Praz and the Eternal feminine
    DOTT.SSA ANTONELLA BARINA, cultural journalist in Repubblica
    Editor of the Personal diary of Mario Praz with the aim of publication
    4. From Annunzio according to Praz: decadent one provincial or cosmopolitan?
    S.E. Maurizio Enrico SERRA, diplomat and author, former ambassador of the Delegation of Italy to the UNESCO
  • 2018 Of Annunzio the Splendid
    5. Mario Praz. The paradoxical traveller
  • _Corvo against Rolfe: the most Venetian of the English novelists _Contreligne, Summer, 2016 http://www.contreligne.eu / 2015 / 01 / corvo-contre-rolfe-redecouverte-du-plus-venitien-des-romanciers-anglais /
    14 h 30 - 17 h 30 **** House of Italy, University International City(Estate) of Paris 7 In, boulevard Jourdan, 75014 Paris **
    6. Algernon Charles Swinburne and Mario Praz: affinity and divergences
    ,** old(former) director of the Department of Manuscripts in British Library. Publisher(Editor) of the complete poems of Swinburne (to appear) Author of numerous articles in The Review of English Studies and Victorian Poetry
  • 1981The Rise and Fall of has Regency Dandy. The Life and Times of Scrope Berdmore Davies
  • On 1998, on 2001, 2004 Poetical Works of Robert Browning Volumes Seven, Eight and Nine The Ring and the Portfolio, publisher(editor)
    7. Mario Praz, Dandy and libertine erudite person. Mori memento, Sic chills mundi Gloria, Classicism and Romanticism in the XIXth century.
    MONICA RICCARDI-CUBITT, Historian of art http://www.monique-riccardi-cubitt.com
  • On 1999 Mario Praz, anglophile and aesthete (1896-1982), The British Art Newspaper, Vol.1 1, N.1. http://www.britishartjournal.co.uk
    8. Sade. The black light of the Divine Marquess
    GUY SCARPETTA novelist, essayist, critic of art. He(It) evoked Sade in some of his(its) books, in particular:
  • On 1989 on The fourteenth of July (Sade, Goya, Mozart) novel
  • On 1998 For pleasure, try(essay)
  • 2004 Variations on eroticism, try(essay)
  • 2008 Guimard, novel
    9. Gruppo di famiglia in an interno, Movie of Luchino Visconti, on 1974. Mario Praz the erudite person and the decline of Roman Dolce Vita
    GUIDO BARLOZZETTI, journalist presenter in RAI, expert in Communication, trial author on the cinema and the television:
  • On 2012 The ombra di Don Giovanni
    10. From Mario Praz to Philippe Julian and Hubert Juin: the rediscovery of 'decadent ' culture
  • Corvo against Rolfe: the most Venetian of the English novelists. Contreligne, Summer, 2016 http://www.contreligne.eu / 2015 / 01 / corvo-contre-rolfe-redecouverte-du-plus-venitien-des-romanciers-anglais
    17h30-18h Discussion and questions
    Cocktail(Cocktail party) of closing
    The books(pounds) of the participants(speakers) will be on the market at home of Italy
Type d'activité
Conférence / débat / rencontre / colloque
Type de patrimoine concerné
Aucune sélection

À propos du lieu

Istituto Italiano di Cultura Hôtel de Gallifet
50, rue de Varenne, 75007 Paris
  • Paris
  • Île-de-France
The Hôtel de Galllifet was built between 1776 and 1792 for the Marquis Simon-Alexandre de Galliffet, the President of the Parlement de Provence. Talleyrand is one of its most illustrious occupants,. Since 1938 its is the seat of the Italian Cultural Institute in Paris
Monument historique, Maison des illustres & Patrimoine européen
Metro: Varenne, rue de Bac, Sèvres-Babylone, Bus: 69, 70, 87, 84, 83
Licence libre