21 et 22 septembrePassé
Outils d'inscription
Septembre 2024
Samedi 21
10:30 - 12:00
Dimanche 22
14:30 - 16:00
Accessible aux déficients intellectuels
Accessible aux handicapés psychiques
Accessible aux handicapés moteurs

Préfecture du Tarn

Place de la préfecture, 81000 Albi
  • Tarn
  • Occitanie

Guided tour of the Prefecture of Tarn: discover all the secrets of the legendary Hotel Carbonel d'Albi!

Discover the legendary Hotel Carbonel which today houses the Prefecture of Tarn.
21 et 22 septembrePassé
Outils d'inscription
©Préfecture du Tarn

Discover the legendary Hotel Carbonel which today houses the Prefecture of Tarn.
Let yourself be drawn into a course as rare as memorable alongside a guide speaker passionate about the history of the place. It will make you discover the gardens of the Prefecture, emblematic offices, reception rooms and much more.
The various representatives of the State in the Tarn are very proud to welcome you in their premises. Book quickly!

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À propos du lieu

Préfecture du Tarn
Place de la préfecture, 81000 Albi
  • Tarn
  • Occitanie
Hospital Saint-Jacques in the Middle Ages, lodging of stage on the road of Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle, it conserves this vocation until the seventeenth century. A mansion is built in the eighteenth century where are installed the services of the State and the prefect in the nineteenth-twentieth centuries. The original plans are due to the architect Mariès. A new building was added on Rue Timbal in the 19th century.
Lieu de pouvoir, édifice judiciaire
Entrance by the Lices Georges Pompidou (opposite the General Council).

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