Samedi 13 mai 2023, 19h30, 20h30, 21h30, 22h30Passé
Mai 2023
Samedi 13
19:30 - 19:45
20:30 - 20:45
21:30 - 21:45
22:30 - 22:45
Accessible aux déficients intellectuels
Accessible aux handicapés auditifs
Accessible aux handicapés visuels
Accessible aux handicapés moteurs
De 0 à 99 ans

Musée Tomi Ungerer - Centre international de l'illustration

Villa Greiner 2 avenue de la Marseillaise, 67000 Strasbourg
  • Bas-Rhin
  • Grand Est

"Catherine Meurisse, between art and nature, an artist’s itinerary"

"Catherine Meurisse, between art and nature, itinerary of an artist": visits "spotlight", 1st floor
Samedi 13 mai 2023, 19h30, 20h30, 21h30, 22h30Passé
© Musées de Strasbourg

"Catherine Meurisse, between art and nature, itinerary of an artist": visits "spotlight", 1st floor

À propos du lieu

Musée Tomi Ungerer - Centre international de l'illustration
Villa Greiner 2 avenue de la Marseillaise, 67000 Strasbourg
  • Bas-Rhin
  • Grand Est
Since the end of 2007, the Villa Greiner establishes(constitutes) of a bottom mattering from 11000 drawings of Tomi Ungerer, given by its home town. Draftsman and illustrator, he was born in 1931 in Strasbourg.
The set(group) is presented by rotations in a thematic route(course) about 300 original works containing drawings, children's books, satirical and advertising drawings as well as erotic works. A selection of the graphic work of the artist, put in context with the drawing of illustration of the XXth and XXIth centuries, also is to discover.
Tourisme et handicap & Musée de France
Streetcar Station(Resort) Place(Square) of the Republic-museum Tomi Ungerer