29 März - 1 Juni 2021Passed
Juni 2021
Dienstag 1
09:00 - 18:00
6 to 17 years old

Librairie BD L'Introuvable

16 rue du Frout 29000 Quimper
  • Finistère
  • Bretagne

P'tit Dessinateur competition

You’re between 6 and 17 and you like to draw? Then take part in the P'tit dessinateur contest and create a comic strip, in A4 format, on the theme: «Vers une Bretagne (plus) verte»!
29 März - 1 Juni 2021Passed
©Naelle Bourhis-Mariotti, lauréate du P'tit Dessinateur 2020

You’re between 6 and 17 and you like to draw?

So, do not hesitate for a second and participate in the contest of the P'tit dessinateur. The rule of the game is simple: make a comic strip sheet, on an A4 format, on the theme:
«Towards a (more) green Brittany»
The original works of the participants must be sent by mail (or deposited) before June 1, 2021 to the address: Librairie l'Introuvable – 16 rue du Frout – 29000 Quimper
!!! Only hard copy originals will be accepted, so no email transmission is allowed!!!

The categories

The contest, without prior registration rights, is open to children from 6 to 17 years of age with permission from the parents.
Three categories of participants are defined according to the age of the “artists”:

  • Children from 6 to 9 years old
  • Average for 10 to 13 years old
  • Great for ages 14 to 17
    Collective participation (class, group of children in a comic book workshop, etc.) is possible, provided that the members of the group fall into the same age category. In the event of a win, the allocation will be allocated to the group (not each member of the group).

    The prices

    Two drawings per category will be awarded, the winners will be awarded a selection of comics and goodies adapted to their age group, as well as a voucher for drawing material.
    The winning drawings will be published in the weekly newspaper Côté Quimper. The winner of the category «grand» (14-17 years) will be entrusted, the realization of the poster of the contest 2021.
Type d'événement
Autre type d'événement
No input
Type de public concerné
Jeune public
Si payant, précisez le tarif
No input
Animation accessible aux publics empêchés
Type de public empêché
No input
Particularités. À renseigner uniquement si l'événement correspond à une :
Opération référencée dans le cadre de BD 2020
Si votre événement s'inscrit également dans une autre manifestation, précisez laquelle
No selection
Si autre, précisez le nom et l'organisateur de la manifestation
No input
Type de structure
Si autre, précisez
No input
Structure partenaire
No input
Diffusion sur le pass culture
No selection
Numéro SIRET de mon établissement (ou à défaut, numéro de SIREN)
No input
Prix de l'événement tel qu'affiché sur le pass Culture
No input
URL pass culture
No input

About the location

Librairie BD L'Introuvable
16 rue du Frout 29000 Quimper
  • Finistère
  • Bretagne